
Friday, November 10, 2017


Task 10
WALT use a rule to create a number sequence
  • Identify the term numbers
  • Use the rule
  • Add, subtract, multiply or divide the term number by the rule
  • Write the sequence number

What i did well:
  • Figuring out the pattern to solving the question
  • Getting 8/8 question right
  • Completing my work on time
What i could improve on :
  • Trying tasks similar and a like to have better knowledge on the next task
  • Not using the online calculator for any of the questions (Even thou we were allowed)
  • Working quietly

Friday, October 20, 2017

Maths Test

E-asttle Test 

For Maths yesterday i did my e-asttle test, it was hard at times and a few times i struggled to find the answer to the question but it didn't stop me from trying to learn new things.

-What went well :
  • Doing my work independently and not talking to others.
  • Getting some questions correct.
  • Not giving up and answering all of the questions.
  • Learning new things about maths.
-What didn't go so well :
  • Guessing questions i didn't know.
  • Not understanding some questions.
  • Not knowing the strategies to solving questions i never learn't.
  • Getting a low score because i didn't give the test my best effort.
-Next steps :
  • Be above national standards.
  • Always try my best when i do my e-asttle test/s.
  • Always stay on task.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


School Journal.

Success criteria
  • Predict what the story is about by using headings/pictures
  • Ask questions about the text
  • Clarify anything you have read that you don’t understand
  • Summarise what the text was about

Summary :
Today we read a story about a boy called Benny and his friend, in the holidays everyday they would meet up and go to the beach and bomb off the jetty but the only problem was Benny would always jump off first. One day they went to the beach and they got into and argument, Benny wanted his friend to jump off first for once but his friend refused so Benny pushed him off and they both fell into the water. Benny's friend had accidentally hit someone that was kayaking and the person got trapped underwater but in the end they save the person, that was the last day of the're holiday and after that day they haven't seen each other since. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Shoe Tower

Walt: Collaborate quietly & Sensibly with each other to create the highest shoe tower. 
Success Criteria: 
1.Only use shoes
2.Work quietly
3.Include everyone
4.Use as many shoes if  needed.

Today in Room 8 we did a fun activity and the task was to build the tallest shoe tower, we got into two groups and started building  and tinkering. My group was amazing, we all did something to help and support the tower and the results at the end were successful. My team had won the tallest tower, my most memorable moment of the activity was the stinking smell of the shoes it was funny, I really enjoyed the task hope one day you guys could try this.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Lost underground

WALT comprehend adventure novelsSC:Read the textActivate knowledge about the textSkim and scan for key information

I read the story and it was about a boy and his sister going camping with their dad and annoying cousin. Your the boy and your sister Lousia with you're cousin Marcus. I am going to answer the questions next week.


WALT add and subtract different units of weight measurement.
Success Criteria:

  • Convert weight into given measurement
  • Add or subtract converted measurement

-What went well:
  • Trying my best and getting 8 out of 10 questions right.
  • Finding different strategies to solving hard equations.
-What didn't go so well:
  • Talking to others loudly and not allowing my peers to learn.
  • Not getting a perfect score (10/10)
-Next steps:
  • Try more measurement equations and to become better at it.
  • Work independently and stay focused on my task.

Friday, September 8, 2017


WALT comprehend adventure novels
Book we read : Lost Underground

What went well:
-Working independently.
-Skimming and scanning to find the answers to the questions.
-Reading half the book in 10 minutes. 

What didn't go so well:
-Only finding 4 answers.
-Reading loudly and disrupting others. 
-Not starting my task at a appropriate working level. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Math & Reading

-Manga high
Throughout this week for manga high I've been doing tasks that I've never learn't before but i still manged to get a bronze medal, it was difficult at times but i manged to pull through and achieve a little bit of the task.

-Read Theory
Ready theory is the best reading sight I've ever used i recommend it to people who love to read.
This week i did three read theory tasks and i got all three correct without getting any questions wrong.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Aws Worksheet

WALT name angles

  • Write letters in order from left to right
  • Recall knowledge of geometry terms
  • Recall knowledge about angles

Today we did AWS worksheet Task 3 Geometry. I did well at writing letters in order from left to right. I need more work on recalling knowledge of geometry terms and recalling knowledge about angles, so I could use it more often

Monday, June 12, 2017

Oliver Trip

On Friday 9th of June our school went on a field trip and we went to watch a play called Oliver, I thought the play was really good and the singing was  at a whole other level it was amazing. The story line was cool and i would recommend it to anyone, i really enjoyed it and i hope to watch more plays like this int he future.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Inquiry Presentation

This week in Room 8 we had to present our slides about our inquiry and what we wanted to make a change in, here at Wesley Intermediate our tennis court is full of glass and its unsafe for us and we also have a coke machine and every time someone buys a can theirs 50/50 % chance that he/her is going to put their can in the bin, so our inquiry is about Recycling and making a bin to prevent people from leaving their cans where they sit. Comment below if you think we could improve on our inquiry and make it better.